Today's Scripture
Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward.
Hebrews 10:35, NKJV
Ugunda, when things happen that aren’t fair, when doors close that don’t make sense, when you’re doing the right thing but the wrong thing keeps happening, you have to trust that God is still in control and that He knows what’s best for you. He doesn’t always take us down the path that we thought. Be patiently confident. Your time is coming. He’s already lined up the breaks you need, the open doors, the right people, the healings. It’s already on your schedule. If you don’t cast away your confidence, God will richly reward you. You may have gone through some disappointments, but He’ll make things happen that exceed any of your expectations. The reason He closed those doors is because He has something better. Don’t be discouraged by what didn’t work out. Stay in faith. The right opportunity is on the way. Now don’t get talked out of your dreams. You haven’t seen your best days. God is going to do something you’ve never seen, something that will catapult you to a new level.
A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You that when I can’t see a way, I still know that You have a way. Thank You that my confidence is anchored to You, and that You will richly reward me beyond my expectations. I believe and declare that my time is coming and is right on schedule. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
~Joel Osteen