Today's Scripture
“Yes, come,” Jesus said. So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus.
(Matt 14:29, NLT)
When Jesus came walking across the stormy sea in the darkness of night, Peter was the only disciple who had the courage to walk on the water to Him. One can imagine the other disciples saying, “It’s too dangerous! Don’t go!” But when Jesus told him to come, Peter stepped out into the unknown and walked on water. He didn’t let what was familiar and comfortable in his life keep him from getting out of the boat and becoming who he was created to be.
You can’t play it safe your whole life and reach the fullness of your destiny. What God has in store for your future is going to boggle your mind—the places He wants to take you, the people you’re going to influence, the dreams you’re going to accomplish. Don’t let the what-ifs talk you out of it. “What if I fail? What if they say no?” You’ll never know unless you try—it’s in the unknown. ~Joel Osteen
A Prayer For Today
“Father, thank You that the stormy seas and waves of my life are no problem for You. I choose to obey You quickly. Help me not to overthink things, but trust Your leading in my life. I declare that I am willing to step out of my comfort zone. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”