Today’s Scripture"...And because of their unbelief, he couldn’t do any miracles among them except to place his hands on a few sick people and heal them…" (Mark 6:5, NLT)
In today’s Scripture, it doesn’t say Jesus wouldn’t do any miracles; it says He couldn’t. God works where there’s an attitude of faith. How many times do we stop God from abundantly blessing our lives because we don’t believe His promises are going to happen? We let our circumstances and what’s happened in the past talk us out of it.
Here’s the key: God’s idea of blessing you is very different than what you think being blessed is. We think natural; God thinks supernatural. He’s the running-over, the exceed-your-expectations God. He’s already decided to bless you. Now it’s up to you. What you decide will determine whether or not it comes to pass. You may not see how it can happen, but take the limits off of Him. Get rid of the excuses. Dare to believe what God has already decided. If you do this, God is going to exceed your expectations and take you to the fullness of your destiny.
A Prayer for Today“Father, thank You that You are the running-over, exceed-my-expectations God. Help me take the limits off of what I believe You can do in and through my life. I believe Your promise of blessing and declare that I will see the surpassing greatness of Your favor. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.” ~Joel Osteen